The Vermont Judiciary supports the right of all persons, including those with disabilities, to enjoy access to the facilities and services offered by the judicial branch.


Asking for an Accommodation

To ask for an accommodation to use a court facility or a court service:

If you want or need to participate in a Judiciary-funded service, such as a mediation session or a program affiliated with a drug treatment docket, you may ask the Judiciary for an accommodation to participate in that service.

Commitment to Equal Access

The Vermont Judiciary embraces its duty to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The Judiciary has adopted policies and procedures to meet its obligations under the law.

The ADA prohibits the Judiciary from discriminating against qualified individuals with disabilities in all programs, activities, and services. The ADA also prohibits the Judiciary from discriminating against qualified individuals seeking employment in the courts.

Communication Support for Hearings

If you have a disability which affects communication, you can ask the court to appoint a Communication Support Specialist from the Vermont Communication Support Project (VCSP) to help you during court hearings.

The role of the Communication Support Specialist (CSS) is to support communication and to help overcome barriers to communication during court hearings caused by disability. The CSS is not an attorney. They are not an advocate and they do not provide legal advice.

VCSP serves people in civil divisionfamily divisionprobate division, and small claims cases who meet their eligibility criteria. VCSP does not provide services in criminal division cases. See the VCSP website for more information about their services and eligibility criteria.

To ask the court to appoint a Communication Support Specialist for your court hearings, you must file a motion in your case. Contact the Access and Resource Center if you would like help filling out a motion form.


Forms to ask for a Communication Support Specialist

Civil Division cases



Family Division cases



Probate Division cases


Small Claims cases

Features of this Website for Persons with Disabilities

This website strives to adhere to current W3C web accessibility best practice standards. These include:

  • Images on the website include alternative tags. Alternative tags are descriptions of images that screen readers can read aloud to the user.
  • The foreground and background of each page contrast so that users with visual disabilities can read content more easily.
  • All web pages and documents have unique titles that describe the function or purpose of the page or document. Form field labels are also unique.
  • The website incorporates headings to help all users, including those with visual impairments, skim content.
  • The website features a responsive web design, which benefits users with low vision because it allows the user's custom screen settings to control how the website displays content
Filing a Complaint

If you tried to access a court and believe that a Judiciary employee has discriminated against you, or if you tried to access a court facility, service, or program and believe that the Judiciary wrongly denied your request for an accommodation, or if you believe that the Judiciary discriminated against you because of your disability please complete the form below.

Please see the Judiciary's policies and procedures regarding persons with disabilities for more information about filing a complaint.